In October 2024, I traveled to Erie with my colleague Maura Kay to present a learning session at the PA Chapter of the American Planning Association’s (PA APA) Annual Conference. Our session, “Assessing the Economic Impact of Trails on Commercial Districts,” presented case studies and example indicators from Fourth Economy’s economic impact and assessment work on the Great Allegheny Passage in Pennsylvania and the Three Rivers Heritage Trail in Pittsburgh.
Our trip to Erie took on a special meaning. We learned that we had been awarded, along with our project partner, evolveEA, an “Award for Project, Program, or Practice” for our work implementing the Allegheny Together program on behalf of Allegheny County Economic Development. The PA APA Awards honors projects, programs, and practices that make great communities happen. It was exciting to see the County’s investment in traditional business districts in municipalities beyond the city recognized.
The Allegheny Together program creates well-planned, well-designed, and geographically focused investments while respecting communities’ unique history, character, and built environment. Communities apply to the program, and accepted applicants are led through a facilitated strategic planning process that utilizes data analysis, community engagement, and an urban design review. This process establishes priorities, which are then addressed through technical assistance.
The consultant team and the County convene stakeholders, conduct comprehensive data analyses about the communities and their business districts, and identify implementation priorities. In addition to individual community engagement, there is an annual summit to share best practices, creating a mechanism for peer support for all municipalities across the County.
At the awards luncheon, we joined colleagues from evolveEA and Allegheny County Economic Development to accept the award for this impactful program.

While I had prepared remarks about the program and our recent accomplishments, after spending the day listening and learning with fellow planners, I realized that what I really wanted to share was a message about why this program was so special. While we sometimes wish community revitalization could happen overnight, when it is rushed or relies too much on a single development project, the small steps needed to create lasting change can be overlooked.
Having worked in community development in Pittsburgh’s Lawrenceville neighborhood as a business district manager for close to a decade, I know firsthand that community transformation takes time. What is so special about the program is that communities can receive sustained support.
The key to these plans has been clearly stated goals around market, place, and identity that are grounded in data and reflect the overall community’s goals and objectives for transformation. Allegheny County Economic Development’s Allegheny Together program allows communities to prepare for, and receive additional resources that can build further momentum.
Receiving an award for this work recognizes that consistent, effective effort leads to successful outcomes. Sometimes slow and steady wins the award.